Week 9

Aug 24 - 29, 2024

Speakers: Randy & Donna Carter

Our Theme: Gait Traits

1 John 2: 6 urges us to walk as Jesus walked. Ever wonder what that means? Walk with Randy and Donna as they guide us in stepping through Jesus’ rhythms of love for, surrender to, and intimacy with the Father, and nudge us to step up to representing Jesus in the world.

Week 9 includes a special program for Teens including a dedicated Teen speaker for this week only.

While programming will be available for kids age 9 and above, there will not be any programming during this week for kids 8 and under.

Another highlight of this week will be additional time to learn how to water-ski, with lessons available each day through the week.

Clicking this button will take you to our online registration system. Online booking for specific Summer Family Weeks will open at 9am on Thursday February 1st, 2024.

Need help estimating the cost of your Barnabas Summer Family week?
Download our Cost Estimator sheet

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Meet your speakers

Randy & Donna Carter

Randy and Donna were so young when they married in 1981, they practically raised each other. Or rather, they tried. After 7 years of marriage, Donna was convinced of the futility of raising Randy, and had their first daughter followed by another in 1992.

Randy began his career in business but went into youth ministry in 1983. Today he’s a youth ministry consultant and speaker. Donna practiced Interior Design until the success of her first book propelled her into a career as a speaker, podcaster/radio host. They co-founded STM which provides the platform for their separate and joint ministries. Randy thrives on extreme adventure.

Donna prefers more cultural pursuits and is an emerging artist. They began speaking regularly together in 2015 and love sharing both their experiences and the platform. They also share close relationships with their daughters, sons-in-law, and their grandchildren.